WART 95.5 FM
Mountain Grapevine Radio Program
Fake Product Commercials

The following audio files are 36 made-up product commercials to insert in the Mountain Grapevine Radio programs – rather like the Prairie Home Companion – to add some humor to the program. Since WART is a public broadcasting station, paid commercials were not allowed – but fake product commercials were allowed.

Gary’s Gizmatic Flocultor


Arnie’s Awesome Argyle Socks


Grandma Gerty’s Gravel Cleaner


Winnie’s Winter Insect Repellent


Della’s Duck Wart Soup


Henry Hagle’s Hog Caller


Bubba’s Beer Batter Mix & Bubba’s Bear Grease


Larry Langston’s Practice Leaning Pole


Beaulah’s Bumble Berry Pie


Wanda Wilson’s Wonderful Walnut Wax


Billy Fardshackle’s Bootjack


Crazy Calvin’s Carp Cupcakes


Dink Dollywag’s Dowser Dangler


Tilley Tarbuck’s Treetop Tellies


Orthie’s Outhouse Book Rack


Rufas Tincture for Vapors


Suzie Sutton’s Superstition Suppressant


Sadie’s Old Fashioned Black Drawing Salve


Ina Iverson’s Indoor Smoking Kit


Samuel Stackhouse’s Spit Sack


Hermie’s Hiking Pole Pedometer


Freddy Fubar’s Frog Jumping Training Class


Roy Rattan’s Underwater Basket Weaving Classes


Walley’s Wallpaper Remover


Peggy Pattersen’s Pig’s Milk Cheese


Teddy Tanglefoot’s Termite Terminator


Carrie Coldwell’s Bee Slapper


Monty’s Mountain Weather station


Hanks Crossington’s Motivational DVD


Sandi Sudbutt’s Corn Silk Tobacco Substitute


Bubba Bawl’s Cow Gas Compressor


Granny Garnett’s Asafetida Bag


Jimmy Riddle’s Whimmy Diddle


Yawn Watson’s Rare Plant Juices


Fatty Fresnell’s Fantastic Fishing Lures and Fish Knocker


Farkenhaus Muscadine Meat Products
